Post by Mallory Faraday on Nov 21, 2019 9:45:40 GMT
While the girls took a little break Mal looked over to Claudia's side to see what they were doing. It seemed Claudia had begun with an exercise in roughhousing, the one where everything was permitted in order to reach the other side. Brody and the quirky girl Carmin went at it and Mal almost intervened when she saw blood was drawn. What the hell was Claudia thinking allowing people to get hurt right before the attack? Seeing the two finish Mal just grunted. A lot of people had gotten more scars after escaping the town, and it was all because of her. Mal just hoped Claudia would become a normal person again after the town was taken and civilization restored instead of acting like a damn savage.
Mal just hoped that if someone was to go against Claudia they had been smart enough to recognize her weakness: Claudia couldn't handle being grappled, which is why she always attacked quickly and parried every attack from a relative distance. Mal had gotten the best of her when they were reunited because she had been able to grab her from behind and kept her in a chokehold, but Mal lacked the strength to cut off Claudia's blood circulation at that time. She had hoped in time people would come to the same conclusion but it was probably the lack of knowledge in CQB techniques that kept them from seeing it.
Then Justin came along and mentioned he hadn't seen Sarah gotten into training like that in a long time which Mal took as a compliment. She had noticed Sarah's behavior on the range and was quite pleased with it. Getting complimented for being able to motivate people was always nice, and motivating people was exactly what Mal was aiming for. Justin offered his help and as it was, Mal would welcome it. Two pair of eyes on a range were always better than one.
"Thanks Justin." Mal said. "If I can make a difference for these kids it's worth it. Would you care to monitor the range with me?"
Mal then waved the girls back over. Time for the next drill.
"Alright girls, gather round." Mal said. "We're gonna do a couple of rounds with a weapon of your choice. Ellie, a shotgun's no good from this range so I'd like it if you use one of the assault rifles or handguns provided. Ayita, you can use your bow and arrows but I suggest you familiarize yourself with another weapon too. Now you have the opportunity, you might not get another one. Justin, can you help Ayita and Ellie?"
Mal wanted to focus on Sarah and Ziggy. The two did excellent laying down, but she wanted to see how they did standing up. Also Sarah's own rifle was semi-automatic but Ziggy used a bolt-action. Mal wanted Ziggy to use a semi-automatic for this exercise too, so she grabbed a scoped M14.
"Here Ziggy, I'd like you to use this one for now." Mal said as she handed the weapon over. "It's a bit different from what you're used to but you might want one of these with you during the attack for closer encounters. It's precise but the recoil takes a bit of getting used to, try it out."
Ziggy took the weapon and studied it for a moment, Mal pointed out the various parts and how to use it. Once she saw Ziggy understood Mal took another empty M14 to give instruction with.
"Okay, we're gonna switch it up a bit." Mal said. "At some point during the attack you guys will have to advance and might even be fighting in the streets at a closer distance so for this exercise we're gonna shoot standing up and in crouch position. So here's a few pointers."
Mal went into a stance position, aiming the rifle down range the barrel pointing downwards.
"Upright position." Mal said. "You're all right-handed so left foot forward, feet separated. Imagine a circle with your left foot as the center, move your right foot around thirty degrees until your stance is stable. Lean back and forward and if you feel you're gonna fall over too fast, adjust. You should be able to be pushed and pulled without tipping over. Once you do, stock of your rifle in your right shoulder and try to form a bowl around it. Left hand on the handguard of your rifle, or if you're using a handgun underneath your right hand, and your elbow in a ninety degree angle underneath it. Try it out!"
As every girl took the stance Mal checked up on every one, adjusting where necessary and yanking them back and forth by their guns to make sure they were stable. Once she was content with it, they could continue.
"Okay girls, crouching position." Mal continued as she went into a perfect crouching position herself. "Left foot forward, shin is vertical. Right knee is in a ninety degree angle from the left knee and your ass is on your right heel. Upper body is the same as the standing position, just make sure your left elbow touches your left knee on the inside. Try it out!"
Again Mal checked up on the girls and was pleased to see they were all quick learners.
"Right ladies, same as before!" Mal said. "Guns on the ground next to you facing downrange with the chambers open. Load up your magazines but this time put them in your pockets or if you have them ammo pouches. Then pick up your guns and point them in a safe position downrange."
Mal waited for the girls to load up. Once they did it was the same as before, she gave the order to load and make ready and then to open fire. For another 45 minutes they went at it and Mal was very pleased seeing Sarah and Ziggy work.
"Can't believe Sarah and Ziggy never got any formal military training." Mal said quietly to Justin. "If they weren't so young I would call bullshit but damn..."
Some people needed time to learn to shoot, others had a natural gift for it. But two young girls without military training who would hit dead center of the target in any position that was something else. That they called gifted. Of course, unlike the other youngsters in the camp these girls actually had 'wasteland experience'. They had been out there and they had adapted to living out there.
"Alright girls, cease fire!" Mal ordered. "Unload, magazines empty and weapons in a safe position with the chambers open. Let's take another break."
Mal figured she let them rest before moving on to some more intensive drills, including reaction fire and moving fire. She thought it to be more important than spotter training, they could always do that the next day. As she handed out water to the girls she was already going over new drills in her head. Mal just hoped once Claudia got their turn with them, they wouldn't get too beat up, or that the next group was too beat up to even shoot straight.